Thursday, September 24, 2009
Thinking of Friends
Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.
Romans 12:15
Thursday, August 27, 2009
1st grade
I want my children to be leaders and stand up for themselves and for the ones who are weaker and don't let others bully them. I am sometimes maybe a little to adamant about this. Lexi last weekend was at a party and I found her crying, I asked what was wrong, she said, "someone had pushed her hard in the stomach". I asked, did you tell that certain someone that was not nice and it hurt you OR at least screamed extremely loud so she knew that she did something wrong. Don't get me wrong, I don't want my children to hit back or bully, but I do want them to stand up for themselves and others.
What is funny, I would have thought Kierra would be the one who would have problems, no one messes with her. Lexi seems to be the one who always gets picked on. We have some things to work on.
What are some ideas or ways to help your children to be strong?
Where does the time go!
I have a little wish myself for Christmas, so if anyone knows Santa well could you please let him know that I want a really nice CAMERA, so I can take more pictures instead of having to borrow others when mine is not working. I guess there early planning from their mother.
We also are trying to have the girls do a few more chores. We had them stack wood on Monday night and you would have thought the world was coming to an end. Lexi tried to think of everything she could to get out of it. Wood is to heavy, it has splitters, etc. But she did it. Kierra was a trouper, smashed finger and blood. Which is a great reminder how different they are.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Kierra & Dad
Time Flies on!!!
We have been extremely busy this summer, Jared & Carrie's Wedding!!!! It was beautiful and alot of fun.
Hopefully time will slow down in the month of July.:)
There are so many things I would like to accomplish before summer is over, but I am running out time. I started a new job yesterday, I am now offically working for Travis, I know, I wonder how it will work out, he did not yell at me once yesterday, I won't say that he didn't get a little esperated at me at times (he says I don't have a very long attention span, maybe that's where Lexi gets it)I am only going to be working for Travis in an emergency capacity until I go to driving school later this year and then I will take on a section of his route and continue to work my other jobs, OH YEA!!! So time will not slow down anytime soon.
So what is happening this summer for you? I hope something great and exciting!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
How's Life
Hope life is going well, we are in overload mode, as Travis would say, "I can't wait until June is over". We have had an abundant amount of things going on! We celebrated my parents 50th Wedding anniversary with an open house last Saturday. We had a great time, my parents loved seeing all their old friends. I believe they enjoyed their day. (pictures soon!) Now onto Jared & Carrie's (Travis's brother) wedding next weekend, we are all in the wedding. The girls are so exited to get to dress up and get their hair done, me too. The girls can't wait to see their Llama Mama(my new name)in a dress. Last month it was rawmray (I don't know why) and before that it was sugar mama. Kierra loves to holler the current name at the top of her lungs and I am suppose to know she is talking to me.:) It's been awhile since I have worn a dress, the girls don't believe me when I tell them, I have worn them. But who needs to wear a dress to the functions we go to: Bon Fires, after school parties, race track etc.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Growing up

I can not believe how time flies so fast, almost June, unbelievable!!!! So for the month of May: HAPPY VERY LATE MOTHER'S DAY! Love ya mom! Would have wrote more but thinking about all the wonderful things that my mom does only makes me cry!!! And I forgot to say "Happy 34th Birthday to Travis! I love you so much and yes, you are 34!!! He thinks I am wrong, I think he has conveniently forgot a year. I have pictures of the girls and I can not believe how my babies and yes they still are my babies, have grown up. Kierra has made it through kindergarten with flying colors, and I can not believe what they do there, I am not looking forward to High School, I will have to seek outside help for homework since in kindergarten they even do science projects: raising caterpillars to butterflies. Kierra read, "Green Eggs and Ham" for the first time the other night all by herself, she was so exited that she had read 62 PAGES. Lexi is my emotional, sensitive, tenderhearted one and she is showing such growth in preschool, she will be one of the older ones next year and so she will be able to lead instead of worrying that everyone is being "mean" to her or making fun. (She is way to sensitive, I wonder where she got that from) My prayer for each one of girls is that they will lead and not follow and maybe play a couple of sports, too. No really, I want them to grow up to be Women of God and have self esteem and not be affect by the world but effect it instead. High hopes, yes, also hard work for me, too. I have a extremely big job ahead and I don't take that role lightly, sometimes, it is overwhelming but I want only the best for them and from them. Love ya all.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Time Flies
Boy time flies when you are having fun! We have had an extremely busy couple of weeks. Lexi had a great time on our preschool bike ride outing, she did not ride her bike or in the wagon, she chose to WALK the entire 3 miles, boy was she pooped when it was all done. She went to bed early that night. Kierra had an amazing event happen for her, she witnessed the birth of a baby llama and I'm not kidding when I say she witnessed it! She comes running into the house, yelling "the llama just had something HUGE fall out of its butt! and there it was a adorable baby which we now call Isabellastarlight (Kierra & Lexi named it) even though it is not ours but our neighbor's, we feel kind like parents or least family since we were there during the process.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
All's Quiet
We have had a quiet week, Kierra was sick for 2 1/2 days, the 3rd day she "played" her momma and pretended to be sick so she could go and spend the day at Gramma & Grandpa's (she probably should have gone to school)its Kindergarten, right, so who care, well, the school does it seems, I got a phone call from her teacher making sure she was ok and to please contact them with an update. That's great that your school care enough to call, but amazing, that it seems they are checking up on us. I am thankful that my children are healthy after reading blogs from others, my heart and prayers are going out to "Baby Stellen" and his family. Tomorrow is the big preschool bike day, Lexi so informed me that she was not riding her bike,she has not mastered it yet (and gets EXTREMELY fluterrated with it-Lexi's words) and she was not a baby so she was not going to ride in the wagon. She is going to WALK!!! It's 2 miles to the playground and back. We will see how she does. Hope your weekend will be as quiet as ours. We are working on some landscape projects and will post pics after completed.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Happy Easter
We had a great Easter Sunday, we got to spend time at church and the rest of day we spent with both sides of the family and of course, we ate way to much. As you can see the girls loved their dresses. I didn't get pictures of the girls eggs that their Nannie helped them color. The weather was not cooperating and the girls didn't want to spend to much time outside. The girls got great gifts from each of the Grandparents, THANKS for all the sugar!!